Wednesday, April 17, 2013


In Crumbs From the Table of Joy, the family undergoes many different issues that impact their family structure. How do these situations affect the characters? Consider migration, family tensions and parental/child roles.


  1. Crumbs from the Table of Joy contained many family issues. Firstly, it was interesting to me what kind of role Lily played in Ernestine and her younger sister’s lives. Their mother wasn't around, and I believe that Lily thought she was filling a void – that was unneeded. Lily was so different than the rest of the family, she is a communist who drinks and smokes, and she is also very seductive. Regardless, she disrupts the family’s dynamic. I believe the biggest family change is when Lily decides to live with the family. This gives the girls a woman to “look up to” and I say that with sass, because they didn’t really look up to her at all. They did not like the way she acted or portrayed herself. Yet they have a sense of curiosity because it is their first female “role model” since their mother.

  2. Katherine LawrenceApril 24, 2013 at 1:29 PM

    In Crumbs from the Table of Joy, by Lynn Nottage the Crump family undergoes many changes which impact their family structure. One of the major changes is the loss of their mother. The girls, Ernestine and Ermina are forced to rely on their father for guidance during their pre-teen years. This family structure is difficult but seems to have been working for the Crump’s. There is a change in the family structure when Lily comes to live with them. Lily asserts herself as the women of the house and tries to teach the girls about womenhood. Lily in fact disrupts the family dynamic and bothers the girls and Godfry with her antics.

  3. In Crumbs from the Table of Joy, the family suffers from many different issues that impact their family structure negatively. With the loss of her mother, Lily tries to take over as a mother figure for the family. However, her irregular behavior and excessive drinking and smoke only hurt the family's structure. Her power leads to the girls looking up to her, and come to her for advice and help, however this only makes the girls upset and causes more harm to the family. It really didn’t seem like they respected Lily or her ways, but sadly it was their only option.

  4. In Crumbs from the Table of Joy, the Crumb family has many changes in their life that effects the family structure. The biggest even that effects the structre of the family is loseing the main beam to the structre which is the girls mother. I would say the other factor to having a displaced family is from the actions of Lily. she is a communist who constantly is drinking and adding her two sense in everyones business. This leads to problems of disfuntionality.

  5. In the play Crumbs from the Table of Joy by Lynn Nottage, Godfrey Crump’s wife passed away, with two younger daughters, they moved from Florida to Brooklyn, New York looking for better life. Godfrey did not know how to parenting his daughters, he then turn to religion for answers, especially to Father Divine. Lily, Godfrey’s sister in law show up from Harlem to help taking care of his daughters Ernestine and Ermina because when Godfrey’s wife passed away, Lily promised her to look out for the girls if there is anything she could do for them. She likes the things that is totally opposed and against Godfrey such as talking about communism, sexual freedom and going against racial discrimination. Frustrated Godfrey left and returned with a white woman, Gerte. Lily decided to leave because she thoughts that she is not Godfrey’s wife and two girls mother.

  6. Beneeka Johnson
    The Crumbs from the Table of Joy is a play written by Lynn Nottage. The setting is in Brooklyn New York 1950. This play sheds light to a hushed issue in society, interracial marriages. The father takes his daughters to New York after their mother passed away in the south. He followed a man named father Divine as though it was his new savior. Godfrey went as far as to rename his children at the request of father Divine. Sarah was the name of his first wife, her sister Lilly made her trifling way to Godfrey and the kids, stating it was her job to watch after the girls. Lilly was a drunk, with washed up dreams of liberating other blacks, living off the family until she could no longer. Lilly also let it be known that she had feeling for Godfrey and their cheating in the past. Gerte and Godfrey married even though she was a German white woman and he was black. He liked her a lot but would not sleep with her ashamed how others would perceive him. Gerte hung in there with him because of her love, which helped him let go of the pain he lugged around and only wrote on paper. Godfrey even received a beating from a gang of angry blacks trying to defend his woman’s honor. Sad to say even in 2013 interracial marriages are still frown upon.
