Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Nottage Theme 3: GRIEF/LOSS

In Crumbs From the Table of Joy, many of the characters are dealing with issues of grief and loss. Consider how Sandra's death affects her family. Also examine Lily's loss of her personal self-worth and hope. You can also consider the loss of innocence that the daughters experience.


  1. In the readings from the "Crumbs from the table of joy" by Lynn Nottage many characters were still in the process of grief of their mother. The father seemed that he was already over the fact that he had lost someone so important to him and his children when he brought this young lady home to meet his family. No one wanted to accept her being that they had previously lost their mother. The young lady come in as quickly assume that she knows much about the children which was not the case. She only knew as much as the father had told here on the train back to the house where the kids were awaiting him to come.

    1. Hazel
      In the play of "Crumbs From The Table Of Joy" by Lynn Nottage.
      Sandra' death had a great impact on the family. Her death left a great void of hopelessness and uncertainly. She was the glue which held the fasmily together. Mr. Godfrey's loss of his wife left him with the feeling of emptiness. He no longer had any one to confide in about everyday issues or how well of a job she was doing with with the girls.Sandra's death destroyed the American dream that they held so dear to their hearts.
      Sandra's sister Lily took her death personal because she was not able to attend the funeral because of her spiritual beliefs which were different than the family. She felt she had a obligation to her family to help raise the girls. The girls were preteens and they needed a woman's guidance on purity. Lily knew there were questions dad would not understand and be lost for the answes. With Lily being there it helped her deal with the loss of her sister the absence from her family. It helped her feel she was needed and also forgiven.

  2. In the play "Crumbs From the Table of Joy" by Lynn Nottage many characters experience a great deal of loss. The major loss within this play and the family in this play is the loss of Sandra. Sandra was the wife of Godfrey and the mother Ernestine, and Ermina Crump. This family not only loses their center piece to their family they also lose their childhood home. After the loss of his wife Godfrey decided to bring the girls north to start a new life for them and himself. The girls not only experience the loss of their mother but the loss of everything that is familiar to them.

    After the new move their aunt Lilly moves into the household and shares with the family her loss of faith and hope. Lilly loses hope in everything that she used to believe in and becomes a member of the communist party. Lilly begins to share her views to the girls with in turn makes them lose their innocence. Ernestine loses all her faith in everything her father is trying to get her to believe and in turn wants to become a member of the communist party as well.

  3. The play "Crumbs From the Table of Joy" by Lynn Nottage had a great deal of loss. Godfrey's wife Sandra died. He moved north after her death. He married a German woman named Gerte to help him to raise his kids. Having to move,the mother's death and having to share a different way of living with a German woman was a big loss to the girls.
