Wednesday, April 17, 2013


In Crumbs From the Table of Joy, the characters have many things that they are passionate about. These "belief systems" influence the ways that they move about the world; the way the see the world; and how they make their decisions. Topics to consider: Communism; Father Divine and the Peace Mission Movement.


  1. In Crumbs from the table of joy, I heard about a famous man in the movement named Father Divine. Now in my point of view in sounds like a mockery of Christianity and the historical theory of divine right. In just a few words it sounds like it he thinks of himself as a representative from heaven by god. In other words he's stating that he's an angel. What a lie, I don't know any angels. But I probably should've placed this in the "Topic your choice" section but I felt I should say it here, thats all I really wanted to talk about.

  2. In Crumbs from the Table of Joy we are presented with several different belief and political systems in which the characters in the play take a strong attachment too. The belief system that I will be discussing is the society of the Peace Mission Movement. This movement that is headed by Father Divine draws people in from all over the country to come and join this movement in which the followers are to give up all of their possessions to Father Divine. Godfrey and his family moved up to New York City from Florida after the death of their mother. Godfrey is fully invested in the idea that Father Divine will bring him peace and happiness if he fully invests in his movement. However his daughters do not share the same enthusiasm that their father possesses. When Aunt Lily moves in with them the daughters are exposed to a whole new side of life that they have never seen before. Lily is a radical form of life compared to the way that Godfrey and his children are accustom to. She comes into the house and causes chaos for Godfrey as he is trying to bring up his children in the way of Father Divine however this proves difficult with Lily giving her input. For the rest of the play we see Godfrey trying to keep his faith and raise his children as he sees fit even though distractions such as Lily prove difficult for him to keep his focus.

  3. In Crumbs from the Table of Joy, there are different political and belief systems displayed. The main political view that stood out to me was discussed as the society of the Peace Mission Movement; Father Divine whom had his followers give up their possessions to him headed this movement. The character Godfrey was a firm believer in Father Divine after his mother died. He moved his family to New York City and fully invested his time to his belief in Father Divine. Godfrey believed his new form of beliefs would bring him peace and happiness but unfortunately Godfrey’s daughters are not as invested in Father Divine as he is.
    A whole new aspect of life was given light when Aunt Lily moved in with Godfrey and his daughters. Lily’s view on life is more of radical form of life. The children and Godfrey are not used to Lily’s views on life, her beliefs are very different than that of Father Divine. Because Lily’s views vary so much from Godfrey’s, her character creates chaos within the home. Godfrey wants to bring his girls up with the same beliefs he has, the beliefs of Father Divine but Lily makes this difficult with her radical beliefs and her input about Father Divine.
    Throughout the rest of the novel, Godfrey continues to try his best at bringing up his daughters with the beliefs of Father Divine despite the distractions Aunt Lily creates for the girls.

  4. In Crumbs from the Table of Joy, religion plays a strong part in the story, especially for one of the main characters, Godfrey. He is a strong believer in the opinions of Father Divine and his Peace Mission Movement. When Father Divine gives the family Christian names, Godfrey takes him even more seriously. When the girls' Aunt Lily moves in with them, she helps to give the girls, especially Ernestine, some independent ideas. Ernestine admires and respects Aunt Lily's views because they are different, radical, and add to the mystery of the way that Lily behaves. When Ernestine graduates from high school, she is ready to leave to search for Lily because of her political viewpoint and Ernestine needs to have an independent life. She believes that Lily can help her and she doesn't want to be stuck at home doing what her father is doing for a living at the bakery. She wants to be independent and to find her own way. Because of Lily, it helps to show that Ernestine can live an independent life and she doesn't have to depend on religion to get by.

  5. In Crumbs From the Table of Joy, by Lynn Nottage, there are many different belief systems and religions that are brought up. I believe the most interesting and the most prominent belief system is the Peace Mission Movement. This was headed by Father Divine, who believed he was a descendent of God. Godfrey gets rid of his house in Florida and moves up to New York City for this man, and this movement. That is a major decision that Godfrey made to move his whole family north, to follow this movement. The awkward part for Godfrey is that Aunt Lily moves in with his family and gives his daughters different views on religion and the movement. Godfrey's daughters end up with different opinions than Godfrey does. Godfrey struggles to keep the family together by using his strong and I would say, radical, beliefs. Throughout the play we see contradicting views between him, his daughters and Lily.

  6. In Crumbs From the Table of Joy by Lynn Nottage, Godfrey, the father, has a strong belief in Father Divine whom led the Peace Mission Movement. Godfrey had such strong beliefs that he has made the hardest decision to move his family to New York in order to be closer and more in sync wit this movement. Aunt Lily then comes by and tries to changes his children's beliefs. I feel that by aunt Lily's actions, she has caused the family to have different religious views. I feel it was not the right decision to move his family because now he has to pick up the pieces that someone else has broken.
